
KESS PhD Studentships

Industry Focussed PhD Research Programmes

The AD Centre is hosting a number of KESS funded PhD students who are undertaking groundbreaking research to address specific industrial problems. Each student's scholarship is part funded by an industrial partner and part funded by the ERDF KESS programme, and undertakes a 3 year research programme working towards the submission of a PhD thesis at the end of the project. Click the KESS2 logo to navigate to the KESS programme homepage.



Project Type: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water / KESS Funded PhD Scholarship.

Research Title: Optimisation of sewage sludge digesters through enhancement in microbial profiling and trace metal availability.


Project Type: Wales & West Utilities / KESS Funded PhD Scholarship.

Research Title: Enhanced green CH4 production with low cost energy storage through a real time management strategy for AD plants to meet variable network gas demands


Project Type: Tata Steel UK Ltd / KESS Funded PhD Scholarship.

Research Title: Investigate the robustness and intensification of a novel biomethanation process for energy recovery for the steel sector


Project Type: Bryn Power Ltd / KESS Funded PhD Scholarship.

Research Title: Optimisation of Anaerobic Plant Design and Operations for Improved Energy Production and Odour Management


Project Type: Wales & West Utilities / KESS Funded PhD Scholarship.

Research Title: Production of high chain alkane gases (C2-C4) from anaerobic biological processes


Project Type: Dwr Cymru Welsh Water / KESS Funded PhD Scholarship.

Research Title: Real-time monitoring and control of sewage sludge feed management, digestion and dewatering